Study in Japan


The recruitment and screening of Japanese Government-sponsored international students is done by the Japanese Government through Japanese embassies (and some Japanese consulates), or Japanese universities. Deposits are never required when applying for a scholarship offered by the Government of Japan. Be sure to obtain information about Japanese Government-sponsored scholarships from Japanese diplomatic offices such as embassies and consulates.

Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Scholarship Programme
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) of the Government of Japan offers scholarships to foreign students who wish to study at Japanese universities. Scholarship categories are Undergraduate, Japanese Studies, and Research Studies.

The Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver’s Study in Japan Guide (PDF) outlines the benefits of studying in Japan and profiles the experiences of MEXT Scholarship recipients from a variety of fields of study.

Study in Japan
A comprehensive guide and FAQ for individuals interested in studying at any level in Japan and former students who have since returned to their home countries from Japan. Includes information on the benefits of studying in Japan, planning your studies, life in Japan and career information for post-graduation. Also lists alumni associations for networking opportunities.   

What You Need to Know about Studying in Japan
How should I prepare for studying in Japan? At what school should I study? Will I be alright while living in Japan? This document shares some of the basics of living and studying in Japan and helps to determine whether or not studying in Japan is a good fit for you.

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
Provides support programs for international students in Japan. The site includes the Student Guide to Japan, which walks prospective students through the process of planning to study in Japan. Find links and information for Japanese Universities and Colleges, Scholarships and Japan Alumni Global Network.

Japan Study Support
Learn more about studying at Japanese educational institutions, including universities, graduate schools, professional training colleges and junior colleges. The site includes a way to search for a place to study, as well as useful information for studying in Japan.

Japan Foundation/Japan Foundation Toronto
Offers funding and exchange programs to those wishing to further their study of Japan. Support programs are offered to scholars, researchers, doctoral candidates, artists, cultural properties specialists and teachers of Japan related studies.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships
JSPS provides fellowships for qualified researchers to conduct joint research activities with colleagues at Japanese universities and research institutes.

The Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education
Find an approved Japanese Language Institute in Japan.