CG Hatori and Ms. Hatori visit Whitehorse (Feb. 19-21)

Consul General Hatori and his wife made their first official visit to Whitehorse in Yukon.
At his meeting with Yukon Commissioner Bernard, Commissioner explained about the Commissioner’s role and her involvement with Yukon up until now.
During his meeting with Deputy Premier Pillai and Minister of Tourism and Culture Dendys, Consul General Hatori discussed Japanese expats and promotion of tourism in the region.
A courtesy call on Whitehorse Mayor Curtis, saw the Consul General learn more about the city’s exchange with Ushiku City, its sister city in Ibaraki Prefecture.
In addition to speaking with board members of the Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon (JCAY), Consul General Hatori’s visit prompted a Japanese film festival, which was jointly held by the JCAY, where the film ‘Close-Knit’ was screened.
At his meeting with Yukon Commissioner Bernard, Commissioner explained about the Commissioner’s role and her involvement with Yukon up until now.
During his meeting with Deputy Premier Pillai and Minister of Tourism and Culture Dendys, Consul General Hatori discussed Japanese expats and promotion of tourism in the region.
A courtesy call on Whitehorse Mayor Curtis, saw the Consul General learn more about the city’s exchange with Ushiku City, its sister city in Ibaraki Prefecture.
In addition to speaking with board members of the Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon (JCAY), Consul General Hatori’s visit prompted a Japanese film festival, which was jointly held by the JCAY, where the film ‘Close-Knit’ was screened.