Events Archive






Lecture by Dr. Akira Kohsaka on "The Global Financial Crisis and Financial Linkages in the Asia-Pacific Region"


On Thursday, October 27th, the Consulate General of Japan with the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia hosted a lecture titled " The Global Financial Crisis and Financial Linkages in the Asia-Pacific Region." The invited guest speaker, Dr. Akira Kohsaka is a professor at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.


Dr. Kohsaka's lecture covered the topics of the recent financial globalization, the changing finacial situation in East Asia, and comparisons of financial situations between Asia and Europe. After his lecture, the audience had an opportunity to have a lively discussion with him on several topics that included the current Japanese economic condition and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).





(C) Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver, 900-1177 West Hastings, Vancouver, BC V6E 2K9 Tel: (604) 684-5868. This page updated May 16, 2014 .